We’re enabling on-demand biosample prep of any genome in any geography at any gravity.

A sample of purified DNA or RNA is the starting point for many different applications, yet it’s a major bottleneck.

Our Vision

DNA and RNA are the code of life. Every living organism from microbes {viruses, bacteria, fungi, protists} to plants and animals is defined and dictated by the genetic code.  

Nucleic acids {DNA and RNA} are used for research, diagnostics, identification, surveillance, and base material for various applications and molecular products from medicines to engineered bacteria for biofuels or cement manufacturing and more. 

Extracting and purifying nucleic acids from living organisms are still the first steps in all these applications.

Currently, nucleic acid extraction and sample prep is a multi-step process dependent on bulky equipment inside large labs.
Yet many life science discoveries occur outside the lab in remote or extreme environments which require biosampleprocessing on-demand at the point of collection.

This is why ANYg BIO is building an automated, portable, miniaturized platform — for biosample prep of any genome in any geography at any gravity. 

What’s your ANYg?

We’re always looking to learn more. Tell us about the genomes you work with, the geographies you frequent, and the orbit(s) you gravitate in. Complete this short form and join our mailing list for periodic updates. If you express interest, we might invite you to beta test our tech.